Functional Synthesis (FS) sessions are hands on lessons that utilize gentle touch, movement, and awareness. Each lesson is customized to the particular needs, situation, and skill level of the client. The work is very gentle and utilizes movement as the mechanism of communication with the brain. The sessions can bring about improvements on all levels, physical, cognitive, emotional, and social, through a powerful process of experiential learning. The sessions are 45 minutes long.

To book lessons please email or call.





Verbally guided “Transformational Movement Lessons” (TML). I will guide you through a Transformational Movement Lesson (TML), which is an exploration of a functional movement theme through variations of movements, that allow you to discover new ways of moving. TML is a valuable technique both for when your functioning has been reduced (e.g., by stroke) and when you want to continue refining your movement (e.g., professional musicians). I have used TML to aid people recovering from surgery or stroke, people with chronic neck and back pain, teenagers with autism, professional musicians, yoga teachers, dancers, a judo instructor, etc. The lessons are 45-60 minutes long. Each lesson is created to fit your personal interests and needs.

For best outcomes I recommend to schedule a series of 3 or more lessons within one week to create and “intensive”. The idea is to immerse yourself, be able to build on the learning from previous lessons and give new patterns a chance to get more established. Feel free to call or email if you would like to learn more.

To book a lessons please email or call.




Would you like to take classes with your friends or family? I’d be delighted to create a class or a series of classes just for you. It could be an introduction to NeuroMovement, a series of lessons to improve the functioning of your back, or to tackle some challenging yoga poses.

Each lessons lets you discover something new about yourself and results in improved quality of movement.

TML is a valuable technique both for when your functioning has been reduced (e.g., by stroke) and when you want to continue refining your movement (e.g., professional musicians).

The general goal of the lessons is to enhance brain function, and create new neural connections that lead to positive changes in the brain, that result in greater flexibility in mind and body, increased strength, pain relief, acquisition of new skills and improvement of existing ones, mental clarity, vitality, and well-being. 

If you have an existing group of 3-10 people that would be interested in a class or a series of classes please contact me. Available in English and German, online or in person.